Therapy Services
At Ferndale School we provide a highly skilled and multidisciplinary therapy service. The focus of the therapy service is to enhance educational progress and outcomes for students. Therapists can be contacted by phone at the base offices or by email.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy is provided for students who have difficulties that impact on their ability to complete classroom or daily living tasks. OT ranges from teaching a student to dress, to prepare a snack, develop computer skills, or enhancing play skills.
Physiotherapy aims to help students with movement problems which may impact on their ability to access the school environment. Therapy may include specific physical programmes, as well as hydrotherapy, assessment for and provision of assistive equipment e.g. standing frames. Physiotherapy also provides, rehabilitation support before and after surgery, or modification of class programmes and environments. The main aim is functional participation for all students.
Speech Language Therapy
Speech Language therapy intervention supports our students with the development of functional social and communication skills. We also provide assessment and support with safe eating and drinking and the development of play skills. We provide training for forms of Augmentative and Alternative Communication including low and high tech communication systems.
Educational Psychologist
The school Psychologist assists in developing classroom programmes and supports tailored to individual student needs as required.