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Transition Centres

Transition @ Base

Transition students at Base are part of a variety of individual and group programmes.  The focus for each student is set through the Individual Transition Plan (ITP) process with the student, parents, whanau, therapists and teachers.  The team work together to prepare students for life following school.  Dependent on students learning needs and aspirations, programmes can include communication, functional literacy and mathematics, daily living skills, community skills, work readiness skills, health and well-being, personal safety and social and emotional skills.  

Transition @ Tētēkura

Transition students at Tētēkura are community based.  Programmes are developed that support students learning how to access community facilities and gain independence in communication, daily living skills, community and work readiness skills. There is a focus on functional literacy and mathematics, health and well-being, social and emotional skills, and personal safety, to prepare for life following school. 

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